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Take Care of Your Goods

Updated: Oct 24, 2022

Taking care of your leather goods is essential for it to last long and look beautiful for ages to come. Please reference the following instructions to care for your Vidra leather goods!

I am so happy to see you are interested in taking care of your Vidra bag (or other leather goods)!

“... a man does not waste the tree it took God centuries to grow in building something of no account. . . If you build, build well. No job must be slackly done, no good material used badly. There is beauty in building, but build to last so that generations yet to come will see the pride with which you worked." - Louis L'Amour

As Louis L'Amour has beautifully said in western novel Rivers West, "no good material [should be] used badly." I live by this with my craft and hope to deliver the most lasting goods for you to enjoy. Over time, it is expected for your bag to get dirty, and I hope it does! That means you are using it and that tells me you love it. To make sure you can restore it back to its beauty with a lustrous shine, use some saddle soap and salve as indicated below.


Saddle Soap by Otter Wax is my personal favorite leather cleanser. It's easy to apply, and works great!

Please note: after cleaning or applying product, you will usually experience temporary darkening. This is completely normal, and leather will return to original coloration within a few days!

  • Apply to leather using a damp cloth

  • Use soft-bristle brush to create foam

  • Scrub away dirt and stains

  • Wipe leather clean with a dry cloth

  • Reapply as often as necessary

  • Followup with Leather Salve to condition.


Leather Salve by Otter Wax is a deep conditioning treatment that restores suppleness, luster, and shine to dehydrated leather and helps protect from future damage.

  • apply to leather using a soft, lint-free cloth

  • allow leather to absorb Salve

  • wait until leather appears cloudy

  • buff leather with horsehair brush or flannel cloth

  • reapply as often as necessary

Instructions provided by Otter Wax.


I hope these instructions allow you to care for your bag for ages to come so that it continues to bring you the same joy as when you first purchased it! Always feel free to reach out with any questions to with any questions.

Yours Truly,

Philip Malamatos

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